So I’m sure you’ve heard or seen it in your own web search—an individual who has posted two blog sites up that call into question the legitimacy of the programs at LANWAN Professional and that point a finger at Eric Choi, saying he’s a scammer. You’ve been here twice, what are your thoughts on that?

You know what? I read those blogs before coming to LANWAN Professional and I came to a conclusion. I figured it out. It has nothing to do with LANWAN Professional and I say this to all those who have put up negative websites and whatever, I’ll tell them this: “That’s your problem. It’s something with you. It has nothing to do with LANWAN Professional.” Because LANWAN Professional puts it out there flat and dry. Here it is, here’s how it’s done, and if you take this route, you will be successful. I think a lot of those negative blogs; these individuals were looking for some type of expectation that just wasn’t there. Basically, they read more into it than what it said. To finish that off, an individual’s success is on them. I mean, you can go into a math class and you can sit there all day and the teacher will tell you that 2+2=4, but if you keep insisting it is 5, what more can the teacher do? You’re reading more into it than what’s necessary. So LANWAN Professional gives you the tools and everything you need to be successful, you just need to apply it. So these individuals at some point probably got frustrated. I had my frustrations too, but at the same time, I had to look in the mirror and see who really was slowing me down. Anytime I was slowing down it was because of me, not LANWAN. But let me tell you, Jonathan and Eric, these guys have an interesting way of boosting your morale, but it works.

What has your experience with Eric Choi been like?

Well, Eric…Eric is a businessman. And who isn’t? There’s a personality that business people have. I think with Eric is a wonderful guy. I think he has a wonderful personality. He’s warm and fun to talk with. Then there’s the business side of him. And that business side of him is very focused, very driven. A lot of times that drive can bleed over.  Honestly, a couple of times in recent conversations, I was a little bit thrown back, but at the same time I wasn’t too bothered by it because I understand this man has a business to run. I sat and I thought about it, and in the end, he’s right. Eric as a person, is a very great guy, very business driven, and he wants to be successful, but one of the things I can truly say is that in order for him to be successful, I have to be successful because I am a product: I am a result of LANWAN Professional.

How has going through LANWAN Professional impacted your life, both in the short and long-term?

In the short term, it’s opened my eyes to not only the IT industry, but also to the job market as a whole. I mean I’m helping my children look for a job now and I’m giving them techniques that I learned there to help them be successful in at least getting a phone call. Using the simplest method I got from LANWAN Professional, my phone rang off the hook every day. As a matter of fact, it’s still ringing now. I have a job and I have to turn off my phone because of people calling me for job offers. So the LANWAN technique, it’s good that I learned it for job hunting and looking for employment. It’s simply the best short-term thing I’ve ever gotten in my entire life.

Long term, going forward, even if I lost the job with company I’m with today, I know what it takes to get the next job. I also know what it takes to be successful while I’m here at this job. And I am still studying for my CCIP and CCDP and I have the discipline that I got from LANWAN Professional to know how to go at it and be successful in a short amount of time.

How do you feel that your experience at LANWAN Professional has impacted your life beyond the technical and professional level?

On a personal level, I have to say it’s – I’m sorry for going back to this and sorry if it sounds repetitive, but I’ve become a more focused individual. I just go at it to get it done in a short period of time. I actually put myself on a schedule now. I say that I’m going to do this, here’s how I plan on having it done. It’s time management. That’s the best way I could sum it up. It’s managing my time and not wasting it. So I can get something productive done in every minute and every hour that I get.

Are you aware of any one else’s situation from camp? What are your thoughts on the success that they’ve achieved?

There was one young lady that I remember; she’s from Atlanta, GA.  She landed a network engineering position. I’m really happy for her because she was a really disciplined and focused individual. So I would not understand how she would not be successful. Another guy, Novell, I talk to him constantly. He passed his CCNA and got another certificate while he was at camp. He also has his CCNP Troubleshoot. He will probably have a position within the next day, if he doesn’t already have one, because he has lined up several interviews.

The success stories of people coming through LANWAN Professional seem too good to be true. You’re one of those stories. So when others hear of your success in such a short amount of time, how do you explain that success to people?

I tell people that I’m the biggest cheerleader. I talked to a couple of my friends and one of them wants to get into the IT industry. I told him about LANWAN. I told him that he has to do what he has to do and you have to be disciplined so you can’t be trying to work on your networking and play your Xbox at the same time. That’s not going to work. It has to be everything off and focus on what you’re doing and you will be successful at it.

If somebody were considering LANWAN Professional and he or she is still on the fence, what would your advice be to him or her?

I would turn it around on them and ask if they’re right for that program. Basically, I would tell them you want to be sure before you get into it. Number one, don’t have any doubts. If you have any doubts, don’t do it. If you do, you have no intention to follow through and do this. And for me, that was one of the things I had to deal with because I was skeptical at first. Once I cleared that away and said I’m going to do this and I did it. Just so you know, I’ve been through the program and with no doubt, not everybody is perfect. We’ve had people go through the program and not be successful. I saw them not be successful from the first day I saw them when we got off the plane. Because when we got off the plane, they weren’t sure. I shook my head and said, “It’s too late not to be sure. You need to be sure you can do this because in the end, it’s going to come down to you.” Once again, LANWAN just gives you the tools; you’ve got to use them. If you’re not confident that you’re ready to do this program then it’s probably not for you.

Is there anything you would like to say on the record?

I’d like to thank LANWAN Professional for their time, patience – especially patience – and understanding. Big kudos to Eric and Jonathan and everyone I’ve worked with. Not all the names come to mind, so I’m sorry if I forgot you. Just thank you! It’s a good program. It’s one of the best programs I’ve ever seen. And nobody has come along with anything like this. If you’re thinking about doing this program, once again, be sure you want to do it. If you have any doubts it might not be for you, but be sure you ask all the questions you need to ask. You will get an answer. If you do the program, make sure you have success in mind, discipline in mind and hard work. Those three factors are what are going to get you through it. There are no guarantees, however with these three things, you will be successful.

So tell me a little bit about your position at Creation Technologies. I know you said you’re a system administrator. Can you tell me what a typical day looks like for you in your company?

I just got done going through my one on one with my manager. System Administrator, that’s the title I hold, but I am more of an Admin/Project Manager. My typical day, like today, I fixed a couple of computers. One had a bad power supply. I fixed a couple of applications that weren’t working directly for a couple of users. One of our main jobs here is taking care of the employees, 200 of them, and what we do is make sure that their machines are working and having the applications needed for them to perform their job.

I’ll get a machine that is needed on the production floor; I install all the programs for it, and put it in active directory. There’s a database process that I have to go through for one of the programs as well. I have to set up all the printers everyone will be using on the network. Then take it on the floor and set up the user’s email. There’s about several things we do just for the user.

One of the things I was brought on board for—as a matter of fact I’m on a Microsoft project right now—set up a project for documenting the whole place. Basically, what I’m going to do is put together a project for my co-workers and I to come in on the weekend and tag every single computer, map out the entire building, and put together a flow chart of where every single device is. Then later on, we have to take that information, every device to every user. That’s the admin side.

Then on the network side is the switch closet where I have to go in and clean that up. Then I have to trace all of those cables to every PC. So if something breaks, we know how to trace it and fix it. Another project I have under my belt is one that the GM was talking to me about the other day. He wants me to catalog the VPN for every person who has a laptop so we can determine who needs one and who doesn’t. So I have to go into our ASA firewall and pull the logs for that. Then we’ll look through those to determine who’s really logging in from home and if it’s necessary for them to have a laptop. I am also in charge of our communications—in other words our wireless. We have a Verizon wireless account of 78 lines that have been turned over to me to evaluate whether or not it’s the best plan. It’s just a big chunk of money that I think we can save. I also handle the bill for our Internet wireless connection.

Can you tell me, as far as for you and your classmates, what were some of the biggest stumbling blocks to becoming hired? And how did LANWAN Professional help you or your classmates overcome those obstacles?

I know for me it was a struggle for a while and when I came back to camp, we talked about what may have been some of my issues. We found that one of things that was a stumbling block for me was listening to the question that’s being asked and not over answering it. A lot of times, Jonathan, the Career Placement Specialist, mentioned that when an employer asked a question, I may be giving them more than what they want to know; which translates into me telling them what I don’t know. LANWAN taught me a method for answering the question and giving them the information that they asked for without giving the more than what they needed to hear.

Since your training has been completed, you’ve gotten your certifications and you came back and earned even more certifications. I mean you’ve been with us for over 2 years now. What are your thoughts on the success that you’ve been experiencing?

I have to tell you that I wouldn’t have gotten it without this program. It’s that simple because I wouldn’t be where I am right now. For example, I probably would still be stuck with a book right still studying for a CCNA 2 years later. LANWAN Professional is a program for very disciplined people, but when you come out of it, you’re an even more disciplined person. Normally, I would be disciplined to study something on my own. There’s no telling when that would be accomplished. But I could study something with LANWAN and it would have a definite completion date. One of the things I contribute to my success is the discipline LANWAN Professional enhanced in me. When I focus on something, it’s to give it 110% instead of 100%. You can’t get that out of a classroom.

In 2009,  Demetrius found himself with the

daunting question of how to get back into

the industry.  Demetrius shares his experience

with LANWAN Professional and the invaluable training

LANWAN Professional provided; and how discipline,

along with time management, has helped him

revitalize his IT career.

So Demetrius, can you tell me a little bit about yourself

and your background?

My name is Demetrius and I’ve been in the IT industry

for about 14 years with a 5 year break when the bottom

fell out from the Internet. I came into the IT industry

in the 90s back when Windows 3.1 and DOS came out.

I’ve been working with Windows ever since it was

originated. I started out working at a place called

LAN Ops as a network administrator. It was actually a school for certification training and that’s where I obtained my Novell certification for free. Basically, all I had to do was help out around the school and I got offered the classes for free; I just had to pay for my tests.

After that, I worked with companies such as SBC in DSL support in the early 2000s. Leaving there, I went to a company called DQ Technologies as their IT manager and it was there that I got my first experience as a Cisco engineer because I basically built that place from scratch. It just had some PCs, computers, and a server in a closet and they didn’t know what to do with it so I took that whole task on and handled it. When the bottom fell out of the Internet, I was laid off,  So in order to keep working I went to work for a wireless server company for 5 years.

Soon, I was in a crossroads as for what to do: whether to go back into IT or find something else to do; but I’m a techie so IT is all I know. Then I came across this website called LANWAN Professional. It sounded too good to be true. I actually ignored it for 3 months but my curiosity got the best of me. So I decided to give it a shot and got into the LANWAN program. I got to say it was the most astounding thing I’ve come across. The training that LANWAN does is definitely not for the faint of heart; you’ve got to have a knack and a stick-to-it attitude. I did that and I joined LANWAN Professional in 2010. I received my CCNA in February of 2011 and my 3 other CCNA certifications over time. I now have all the CCNA certifications and am now working towards my CCNP.

Shortly after receiving my CCNA, I found work with an IT solutions provider called Fusion Storm up in Sacramento and I worked for them for 8 months while I started on my CCNP certifications. I came back to LANWAN for the second time for the administration camp. It was then that I started working on my wireless & voice certification—which both I now have.

I am now with a company called Creation Technologies.

I am a network administrator for their infrastructure.

Wow, that is a crazy track. You mentioned that you came across

the LANWAN Professional website and ignored it for 3 months.

My question is what exactly in the website seemed too good

to be true and once your curiosity got the best of you,

what made you decide to go for it?

There’s the answer to the first part of your question--because of the

way the program is set up. Back then; I was looking into programs like

ITT Tech and other programs. Just giving them a thought of maybe going

that route again, but the financial cost was just something I wasn’t

in the position to bare at the time. The program that LANWAN Professional

was offering was that your reimbursement into the program comes

after you get employed: a portion of your earnings goes towards

paying them back. That came with a couple of benefits: one is, there’s

no interest. There was only the cost of the program itself. And number

two there was no pressure. I mean, yeah they wanted you to pay them

back, but it wasn’t like a student loan where you have this interest

accumulating over the months where I’d be paying for it and then if

you miss a payment suddenly your phone is ringing off the hook. 

LANWAN Professional would allow me to make payments after I was employed.

What made me decide to go for it was once I read the way the

program was laid out and what you could obtain, I was thoroughly

interested in it, especially when I compared it to other programs

and DeVry. The average person takes anywhere from 6 months to

a year to get a CCNA. Going through programs such as Hill would

take a year and a half. So anyway, it would be a long length of time

just to get a CCNA through any other program. I got my CCNA in

4 months with LANWAN Professional. So I didn’t believe it until

I tried it. When I did try it, I was astounded.

That’s interesting; because one of the next questions that I usually ask people is if you looked into training at other places. In your opinion, how does the training at LANWAN Professional differ in comparison?

It’s focused; it’s much geared toward the real world work environment. Even if you were to study and buy a Cisco book and read that book—first off, it would take you awhile to read that book because it gets so granular in detail as does a lot of other training programs. Other programs were filled with a lot of things that you wouldn’t necessarily do on a day-to-day job. What LANWAN Professional does is focus mainly on the core skills that you would need on a day-to-day basis in a work environment. The learning pace is something interesting. I found is that repetition works. LANWAN Professional takes repetitiveness to a whole new level. I didn’t understand it at first when I started the trial program for the 2-weeks. I was wondering why I constantly have to repeat the same commands over and over again. Well, I found out that after those 2 weeks, I literally had them memorized. When it came to doing something, I didn’t have to look at the paper. It just came to my mind, just like that. It was the same technique for the certification. They advised that you practiced your tests until you get 100%. So I admit it takes a lot of time, you would have to spend about an 8-hour day, but I was astounded that when I was in camp, individuals took a certification after only studying for two days and passed. That really blew me away. I’m still astounded by it. It’s a program that works.

That’s awesome. In what ways did the training or the programs at LANWAN Professional exceed your expectations?

Well, I think especially when it comes to being a Cisco Certified Network Associate, Professional, or Engineer, any person going through LANWAN’s program gives you the equivalent of 2 to 5 years of experience working in a Cisco environment within 2 or 3 months, however long the camp may be.

At a crossroad in his career: go back into IT or find a different route, Demetrius found himself with the daunting question of how to get back into the industry.  Demetrius shares his experience with LANWAN Professional, Eric Choi, the invaluable career training he has shared with his children; and how discipline, along with time management, has helped him advance his IT career.

Demetrius Johnson

  1. “I was astounded that when I was in camp, individuals took a certification after only studying for two days and passed. That really blew me away. I’m still astounded by it. It’s a program that works.”

  1. “One of the things I can truly say is that in order for him [Eric Choi] to be successful, I have to be successful because I am a product: I am a result of LANWAN Professional.

It sounded too good to be true. I actually ignored it for 3 months but my curiosity got the best of me. So I decided to give it a shot and got into the LANWAN program. I got to say it was the most astounding thing I’ve come across.

Wow, that’s awesome. So let’s ask this. In your opinion, what were the most beneficial ways that coming through the program at LANWAN Professional has helped you become placed in the current position that you’re in right now?

Eric is an interesting guy. He came up with a concept that really works. One thing I really appreciate and got a lot of beneficial things from was the career placement. So, just to be clear for future candidates, no, LANWAN Professional does not hold your hand and walk you to your employer and say, “Here’s my guy. Hire him.” It doesn’t work like that. But, what they do is give you are the tools and training to help you be successful at not only looking for a job, but in the interview as well. I really liked the career part of it that Eric does in the program where he explains for 3 or 4 hours about the job market and how things work, how different aspects of information technology work, what to say and what not to say in an interview and most of all, the mock interview. Those are really great. I got a lot from watching myself.

  1. “I have to tell you that I wouldn’t have gotten it without this program. It’s that simple because I wouldn’t be where I am right now. For example, I probably would still be stuck with a book right still studying for a CCNA 2 years later.”