After completing his training through LAN/WAN Professional,

Caleb shared about his experience with LANWAN Professional,

his fast tracked training through the hands on camps, career

preparation, and the pleasant surprise of having new job lined up

before even returning home.

Tell me a little bit about yourself and what brought you to

LANWAN Professional?

I’m Caleb Reusser. I’m from San Antonio, TX where I had been a

school teacher and recent member of the U.S. Army.

I chose LANWAN Professional to increase my ability to be

hired and to transition into a new career that is rapidly growing.

Tell me about your new position--I know for security purposes you

can’t share details, but what will you being doing?

I will be a Network Administrator for ITT Exelis. 

Before you came to LANWAN Professional, did you look into

or complete training anywhere else?  If so, in your opinion,

how does LANWAN Professional differ in comparison?

While in the Army I had completed Global Knowledge training

and I find the LANWAN Professional training to much more hands on.

I enjoyed the method of training.  I think I got a lot more out of it then if I was just reading a book.

Can you tell me a little bit about your hands on training at LANWAN Professional’s boot camp?

I came to the camp in February of 2012. I did both the 3-day and 9-day camp all at once. I have learned an awful lot. It’s been a lot of hands-on where it’s direct experience with the Cisco IOS. It’s a great way of meeting other people where you build off of what they know and they build off of what you know. It’s just a great collaboration because we’re leaving here ready to go out into the work world and actually do the job.

What was your opinion of attending the camp?  Was it worth attending?

I found the camp very valuable because it took me, who had never used the Cisco IOS before, to somebody who became very comfortable with it. I have learned a lot, both about the Cisco IOS and how the industry works and how the hiring process works; thereby, allowing me to be employable when, prior to this, I simply wasn’t.

After having discovered that teaching wasn’t for him, Caleb decided to explore his passion for technology for his next job.  In less than two months from joining LANWAN Professional, Caleb completed his training, earned his certifications and returned home from camp with a position already lined up. Caleb never imagined a new career in LANWAN could have happened so soon. 

Caleb Reusser

  1. "I found the camp very valuable...I have learned a lot, both about the Cisco IOS and how the industry works and how the hiring process works; thereby, allowing me to be employable when, prior to this, I simply wasn’t."

  1. "LANWAN Professional got me employed in a career as opposed to a job."

Was career training helpful in your


The camp helped me tremendously

with the career training by giving me

insights into the industry: ways of how

to build my resume, what to put on my

resume, how to go through an interview,

the different types of interviews that

I’m going to be encountering, where I

should be posting my resumes, how I

need to be handling the resume responses,

and what types of resume responses I

should be expecting. It basically took me from knowing nothing about what to do other than that there’s websites out there to post resumes on, to somebody who can tailor their resume and put it on specific websites, look for responses and if I don’t get the responses I want, redo the resume to get the responses that I’m looking for.

In what ways did the training and programs at LANWAN Professional exceed your expectations?

The job interview and career path progression training blew my mind, causing me to rethink what I “knew” about the IT industry. 

You mentioned that you found the camp very valuable.  Can you elaborate on the value of the camp?

One of the things that’s really nice about this program that LANWAN Professional is doing is that they are not requiring the upfront cost from the individual. Their payment comes from our success. They get a percentage of our income afterwards, but they don’t get anything if we don’t succeed. So they’re really putting their money behind their statement. LANWAN Professional is not taking money from us upfront without us getting equal and greater value. So it’s one of the nice things where we get to try it and we get to go “Yes, this is good for me and this is going to benefit me.” That’s when LANWAN Professional goes “Well, the amount of what you got is worth this so we would like you to pay us back.” But this is all at the end of it rather than the beginning. So if LANWAN Professional doesn’t do their job, they don’t get paid.

As you mentioned, LANWAN does not get paid for the services they provide until their clients are employed.  However, there are some hard costs associated with the program that are the responsibility of the candidates. What were some of the hard costs you incurred and do you think those costs are reasonable?

There are some hard costs--such as the camp is out here in California. You have to make it out here and you have to pay for food and housing, but if you look at what you’re paying for, it’s entirely reasonable. It just requires making sure you set a little bit aside so that you can afford to come out here. It’s totally within realm of what you would expect. Plane flights, they [LANWAN Professional] don’t have any control over that.  They [LANWAN] gave me a scholarship –well – grant to help pay for that even. So there’s a lot that they are doing to help get people out here and make it financially affordable. They’re making it financially affordable for people to come out here and get this training to get out there into the workforce.  Their goal is to make it financially reasonable to come out here so that you can do the camp and become employable and get a job.

Do you have any other thoughts about camp that you would like to share?

The camp here, I’m going to miss it. While I’m going to like going back to San Antonio, the people that I’ve met here, I definitely want to stay in touch with. Not just because of the industry reasons and the fact that they’re in the same industry as me and they’re good contact references, but also just because I’ve gotten to know them and I like them. It’s been a really great time hanging around with them. It’s been an awesome environment and one that is totally focused on learning and preparation for the career.

How has LANWAN Professional impacted your life, both in the short and long term?

Short term is real easy, LANWAN got me employed in a career as opposed to a job.  Long term is a little harder, but it comes down to the career progression training in that I have a plan for how my career will progress, so I am not just looking at the immediate job.

It seems like the success stories of LANWAN Professional are too good to be true.  Now you are one of those stories.  When others hear of the success that you’ve experienced in such a short amount of time--in less than two months you’ve gone from being unemployed to being placed in a six figure salary position-- how do you explain it?

Success comes to those who work for it, and LANWAN Professional has you, their client, treating job hunting and training as a full time job.  So when you are putting 40+ hours a week into something, things will change.

If you met someone who was considering LANWAN Professional, what would your advice be to them?

Make sure you have money in the bank as there are hard costs…such as the camp fees, then go for it.