Getting ready to celebrate her new career, certifications,

new found confidence, the purchase of a new home

and her anniversary, Diana excitedly shared about her

new start on life.

Tell me a little about your story, what were you doing

before you came across LANWAN Professional?

What I was doing before I came to LANWAN

Professional was looking for a job as I had been

laid off from my previous job. And I was really

looking to get into something more advanced

than what I had been doing technically. I was on

desktop services at a community college and it

wasn’t very technically challenging. So I was looking

for a new challenge.

What was it that prompted you to look into LAN/WAN Professional? What got your attention or attracted you to the program?

I received an email through Retired Stars that showed me the LANWAN Professional program and how it could help me get a better job in the networking profession. It looked really interesting so I went to the website. Everything on the website looked like, “Hey, this is a really good idea!”

Before you came to LANWAN Professional, did you look into training anywhere else? And if so, how did the program at LANWAN Professional differ in comparison to other programs?

I hadn’t seen any other programs that offered any training in network services or even desktop services. So this is the first program that I looked into.

Can you tell me a little bit about your experience with LANWAN Professional from start to finish?

My experience with LANWAN Professional exceeded my expectations in that I have taken an online class before and it didn’t go very well because when I got stuck there was nobody there to help me. With LANWAN Professional, however, I was able to call if I got stuck and go, “Hey, I just don’t understand this concept” and somebody was always there to help me with it.

In what ways did the training at LANWAN Professional exceed your expectations?

The training was really good. It taught me everything I needed. It was really in-depth. They helped me out in a lot of other areas too. I learned a lot.

In your opinion, what were the most beneficial ways LANWAN Professional helped you become placed in your current position?

They gave me confidence. I’m not very good at interviews—at all. I’m not very confident and they really helped me out a lot. As a matter of fact, I interviewed and really tanked my first interview. There were a lot of things I wasn’t doing right. LANWAN Professional really gave me the confidence to be able to accurately convey the skills that I had attained while going through the programs. I went through another interview and was able to relay my skill set much more confidently than before. I mean, I know I’m a technical person, it’s just hard to show that when I’m not that confident. I really have to thank LANWAN Professional for helping instill confidence in me during my job searches and interviews.

Tell me about your new position. What is your new position and what will a typical day for you look like at your new company?

I can’t really say anything about my new company or my position because of security protocols. I’m really excited to work at a position that’s way more than I expected to get, but I’m really confident that this is what I’m really good at. I know I can do this because of the training I received at LANWAN Professional.

What do you think, for both you and your classmates, were the biggest stumbling blocks to becoming hired and how did LANWAN Professional help you overcome these obstacles?

Well, for me, it was the interviews. I know for some of my classmates it was the interviews too. We didn’t really know how to communicate our skills or respond to employers. I know I lack confidence and I really don’t do well at interviews. LANWAN Professional really helped me with that.

Since you’ve completed your training and have been placed in a new career, what are your thoughts on the success you’ve experienced?

Yeah, I’m really excited. I’m celebrating this weekend. It’s also my anniversary! I’ve got a job that is going to pay really well and I just bought a new house! I mean, I got a job in a very short amount of time. My certifications as well! I can’t talk about my job, but yeah, I’m really excited for it.

How has LANWAN Professional impacted your life, both in the short and long term?

I mean, I got a job and it’s not just a job; it’s what I want to do in IT – a career. I just got a house so things are going really well. A lot better than before because then I didn’t have a job. I’m just really excited and I have more confidence so I think that’s going to help me out later on too.

Do you feel that your experience at LANWAN Professional has made a change in your life beyond a technical and professional level – if so, how has LANWAN Professional impacted you on a personal level?

I feel like I have more confidence. I mean not just the training or the certifications, but I have more confidence. I also bought house (smiles). My life is finally starting. I’m excited to be working in IT and doing what I want to do.

It seems like the success stories of LANWAN Professional are too good to be true. Now you are one of those stories. When others hear of the success that you’ve experienced in such a short amount of time, how do you explain it?

I explain it by hard work. You have to do the work and you have to do the interviews. I worked really, really hard and I studied. I did my part and they helped me. Anybody that works hard can do well. I got my certifications and now I have my job. I also bought a new house (smiles).

If you met someone who was considering LANWAN Professional, what would your advice be to them?

They should do it. I mean, look at me. I worked really hard and I’ve got a really great job now. I’m really excited and happy. It’s a lot of work, but it was good.

Technically savvy but a bit shy, Diana found the programs at LANWAN Professional help her to get the career of her dreams and the confidence boost she needed to advance in more than just the IT Industry.

Diana Wibur